- Automatic off mode without any operation, time is set freely.
- High accuracy sensor, better test precision.
- Servo drive system, low noise and good stabilization.
- High precision ball screw, better drive efficiency and high accurate displacement.
- Protection functions of mechanical limit/over-load Automatic stop/scram.
- Two speed mode, high speed approach and low speed collect.
- Automatic back to start location after test finish.
- Automatic calibration of displacement zero.
- Four unit option: N、kgf、lbf、ozf, automatic exchange.
- Save 10 test value and 3 groups curve test, could view the value of every point on curve, test report could be printed by
- Different test mode for different spring test requirements:Constant force mode, Constant displacement mode, constant
- 800×480 pixel, TFT colorful screen with touch functions, peak/real-time value/force curve display at the same time.
Note:Due to updates and improvement,products shape and color depends on specific products.Please contact us if you have any problems.